
Recent posts and articles from IGEG fellows, advisers, experts and scholars.

What Is a Prudent Person to Do?

A DOOMSDAY GUIDE Each morning, we wake up and turn on the news, thinking things cannot get worse — but they do. From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, most things have gone downhill. So how do you protect your family when previously low-probability events such...

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Wealth-Destroying Jobs

IS AMERICA DESTINED TO STAGNATE AND COLLAPSE LIKE THE SOVIET UNION? Do all jobs have the same value? More people working should lead to higher real incomes, except when the jobs are destroying wealth. Wages have been rising, but prices are rising even faster. So the...

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Predictable Disasters

BIG-SPENDER STATES OFFER FEWER BENEFITS THAN THEIR MORE PRUDENT PEERS There are unpredictable disasters, like earthquakes, and predictable disasters, like deaths caused by a war. And there are predictable disasters, like a surge in crime stemming from abolishing bail,...

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Not So Fast

DISTINGUISHED SCIENTIST SHUNNED FOR SAYING CLIMATE CRISIS OVERBLOWN What is the probability of dying from an external event, rather than from an ailment such as cancer or heart disease? As an exercise, list the following external potential life-ending events in order...

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Rich but Bankrupt

ENTREPRENEURS MAKE US WEALTHIER WHILE GOVERNMENT MONEY MANAGERS LEAD US TO RUIN Almost everyone has far more wealth due to technological advances than anyone had 30 years ago, yet their money balance sheets and that of most governments flirt with bankruptcy. How can...

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The Endless Quest for Stable Money

GOVERNMENTS ACT TO KEEP THEIR CURRENCY MONOPOLY If a carpenter were trying to build a house and his measuring stick (ruler) randomly changed in length from week to week, the tool would be of little use. France adopted the metric system in the 1790s to provide a...

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Who will Go to Prison, Biden or Trump?

IT'S HARD TO SEE A GRACEFUL EXIT FROM THE CURRENT MESS President Biden and former President Donald Trump are now in a legal death match, where, for either one to stay out of prison, his opponent will probably go to prison. The Biden Democrats have made no secret that...

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