‘Bidenomics’ Is the Opposite of Reaganomics

Many people, including virtually all Republicans, properly view President Ronald Reagan as a great success. The economy grew rapidly at an average rate of well over 4% for the last seven years of his presidency, with many millions of new high-paying jobs being...

Dirty Data Scam: Government-Produced GDP Growth

The good news was that the gross domestic product report came in higher than expected at 4.9% for the third quarter. The bad news was that too much of the GDP growth came from government spending. The old joke: Economists, to prove they have a sense of humor, provide...

What Is a Prudent Person to Do?

A DOOMSDAY GUIDE Each morning, we wake up and turn on the news, thinking things cannot get worse — but they do. From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, most things have gone downhill. So how do you protect your family when previously low-probability events such...

Wealth-Destroying Jobs

IS AMERICA DESTINED TO STAGNATE AND COLLAPSE LIKE THE SOVIET UNION? Do all jobs have the same value? More people working should lead to higher real incomes, except when the jobs are destroying wealth. Wages have been rising, but prices are rising even faster. So the...