America’s Financial Meltdown on the Horizon

THOSE WHO SEE THE CRISIS COMING WILL USE GOVERNMENT TO SHIFT THEIR RISK TO OTHERS There will be a financial meltdown because the present course is unsustainable. As Herb Stein, former chairman of the president’s Council of Economic Advisers, told us half a century...

No Accountability

HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS IN ‘IMPROPER PAYMENTS’ MADE BY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT The Government Accountability Office just announced that the government made $236 billion in “improper payments” in 2023 and more than $2.4 trillion in improper payments since 2003 — or about...

Border Wars: A Permanent Part of Our Existence

WORLD’S 1999 AGREEMENTS COLLAPSE It was the best of times. It was 1999. The U.S. and world economies were booming, and the U.S., for the first time in decades, was running a budget surplus. The European Union was succeeding better than expected, and the common...