Stop Whining About Liberal Media

REPUBLICANS MUST BUILD OR BUY AN ADVANTAGE Do you just whine about problems, or do you try to solve them? For decades, many people complained and demanded that the government do something about automobile air pollution. Those in government had no clue on how to create...

RIP, Ivy League Schools

WHAT WOULD EISENHOWER HAVE DONE ABOUT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY? They have learned nothing! As I write this, Columbia University and others continue in chaos, depriving serious students of what they have paid for. Many have forgotten, if they ever knew, that President...

End NPR ‘Money Laundering’

PUBLIC RADIO GETS FUNDING FROM THE GOVERNMENT, TAXPAYERS, FOUNDATIONS AND FOREIGN CORPORATIONS Money laundering most often refers to attempts to hide the criminal source of money. But it can also be used to describe making legal money transfers between parties...

Biden Admin Has Few Choices to Reduce Inflation

Why do the smartest people in the world (at least in their own minds) keep getting surprised? This past week, the most common measure of inflation rose, even though official Washington (the Fed, Biden Treasury, White House) told us it would fall. Inflation is often...

The Importance of High Standards in a DEI-Driven Culture

Why is Honduras so much poorer than the U.S. and even most of its Latin American neighbors? I posed that question to a friend who is originally from Honduras and is now a U.S. citizen. She immediately replied, “The judiciary.” (Note: Honduras is a beautiful Central...