Abusive Paper Chase

PROSECUTING DONALD TRUMP AND HUNTER BIDEN In the last two weeks, Americans have seen prosecutorial abuse in the legal cases against former President Donald Trump and President Biden’s son Hunter. The state is given the power to protect both person and property, but...

Is there Any Way out of the Global Debt Crisis?

MOST COUNTRIES WILL SUFFER MISERY FROM GOVERNMENT FISCAL MELTDOWN Elon Musk sees a future where no one works other than doing work as a hobby, and artificial intelligence and robots do all of the work, which would require universally high incomes. People could choose...

Tyranny of Fauci and the Experts

COVID-19 MISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN Last week, a House committee revealed emails from David Morens, who worked under Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The emails further indicate a cover-up as to the origins...

What Britain Needs to Do to Spur Growth and Prosperity

LONDON — What happened? The British Conservative Party has been in power for the last 14 years but seems on the verge of losing in a big way. At one point, particularly after Margaret Thatcher won in 1979, the Conservatives seemed to have principles they believed in....